Family Roadtrip! The One Where They Celebrate 25 Years! Day 7

Today didn't turn out as planned, but we made the best of it. Our megaladon tooth excavation didn't happen. With the thunderstorm that came through, that was a blessing in disguise. Dane was also ready for a day of rest, so we let him sleep in. 

Allan and I collected shells on the beach and then enjoyed some lunch at the hotel restaurant right on the ocean. 
With the rain, we opted to find a few indoor attractions, the first being... You guessed it.... a musuem of Natural History! 
Then, we decided to check out the aquarium. 
We took a little down time at the hotel, and then Allan and I found a great restaurant called Loggerheads.
I had my drink in a bucket
That was perfect for collecting shells in on the beach...
Dane joined us for some oceanside shell collecting. 
We had a visitor from a crab...

Tomorrow we say goodbye to South Carolina and drive to Georgia. 


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